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Prom Rules

In preparation for prom, it is imperative that you review the following guidelines. Anyone not adhering to guidelines may be asked to leave.


  • Guests must either be NarroWay cast members, class students, or be accompanied by a cast member or class student.
  • Guests must be at least 13 years old and no older than 19 on the date of the prom event.
  • The person who invited the guest will be held responsible for their guest’s behavior.

Access to the Venue

  • Access to prom will begin at 6:45pm.
  • Students and guests who do not have a ticket, AND whose names are not on the guest list will not be admitted to the venue.
  • Prom activities end at 11pm. Guests should exit the venue no later than 11:15pm.

Student and Guest Behavior

  • Students and guests are expected to behave in a manner befitting of a NarroWay event.
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia, alcohol, and weapons are not allowed on the NarroWay property.
  • Lewd dances and/or behavior is unacceptable.
  • Excessively close dancing is unacceptable.
  • Vaping is unacceptable.
  • Public displays of affection beyond that of hand-holding are unacceptable.
  • Students and/or guests are not allowed to break off into isolated areas.
  • Students and/or guests may be asked to leave if they violate the rules.

Dress and Attire

We all know modesty and class when we see it. These guidelines illustrate the general standards of modesty and event-appropriate attire. Please realize these guidelines are not exhaustive, but they do provide a starting place. Students of either gender who arrive out of dress code may be sent home with no refund on ticket purchase.

    • No visible undergarments.
    • No dresses/skirts shorter than 3" above the knee.
    • Avoid visible cleavage.
    • Strapless dresses are NOT allowed.
    • Open backs are acceptable, but should stop at or above the small of the back.
    • No visible midriff (exposed stomachs or sides).
    • Cut-outs must be lined with mesh. (Flesh-tone, black, or a color that coordinates with your dress).
    • Two-piece dresses that overlap are acceptable as long as the midriff is still covered when you raise your arms above your head. This can be helped with tailoring (tacking), mesh, a cami, etc.
    • Excessively tight clothing is not acceptable.
    • Pantsuits adhering to the same level of modesty and formality are acceptable.
    • Final Tip: Bring a shawl or sweater in case of wardrobe malfunction. If you do not have the means to fix an immodest dress at the event, you may be asked to leave.
    • No visible undergarments.
    • You must wear a suit or tux with a dress shirt.
    • Choose a modest dress shirt. If the dress shirt is sheer, wear an undershirt. Any formal style (collared or collarless) is acceptable.
    • Collared shirts require ties. (Traditional, bow, skinny, and bolo ties are all acceptable.)
    • Formal accessories (top hats, fedoras, etc.) are allowed.
    • Pants must be worn at an appropriate waist level and not allowed to slide onto the buttocks.
    • Excessively tight clothing is not acceptable.
    • If you do not have the means to fix an immodest or informal outfit at the event, you may be asked to leave.